Minggu, 15 April 2012


Meeting Presentasion

Dian    : Good morning all, thanks for your present in our important meeting. Today, we will talk about our profit in 2011 and how to increase it in this year. Now, please listen to our Operational Manager, Miss Fenty please take your time.
Fenty   : Thank you Miss Dian, for all employees thanks for join this meeting, I really need your attention and your good idea, because we will discuss how to increase our profit. Now, please let me start this meeting. This is the graphic of our profit in 2010 and 2011. From this graphic we can see the profit that we’ve got in 2010 was US$ 1.000.000 and in 2011 increased to US$ 3.000.000. The profit was increased because in 2011we had a new product Belgian Chocolate which was succeed enough. And we also succeed enough to sold our main product Choco Lava more than we sold in 2010. For your comparisons this is the sales graph in 2010 and 2011. Comparisons are easily done once you see this graphic. as we can see, in 2010 we only sold about 10,000 bars of chocolate. Mean while sales increased in 2011 to 25,000 bars of chocolate for our major products, and 15,000 chocolate bars for our new chocolate products. But before we focus to talk about our strategy for this year, I will let our financial assistance to talk a little about our sales, expenses, and profit that we’ve got in 2011.
Dian    : Thank you Ms. Fenty. Now, I will let Ms. Siti to talk about corporate profits.
Siti      : Thanks Miss Wanda. Let me begin, I will show you our income statement. As we can see, total sales earned in 2011 was US$ 5.000.000. The values ​​obtained from the sale of 40 000 bars of chocolate. And total cost of goods sold was US$ 1.250.000. Meanwhile, total gross income before minus operating expenses was US$ 3.750.000. And our total operating expenses was US$ 750.000, so net income in 2011 was US$ 3.000.000. I think it’s enough from me. Thank you.
Dian    : Ok, people. Is there any questions before we continue to talk about our marketing strategy for 2012 ? Yes, Ms. Septi what is your question ?
Septi    : Is the benefits have been minus taxes?
Siti       : The profit that we showed to you is before minus tax. The tax is 10%. So the profit after tax is US$ 2.700.000.
Septi    : Thank you Ms. Siti, it’s clear now.
Dian    : Another question ? Ok, let me continue. Now it’s time to listen our marketing strategy from Ms. Windi. Please take your time.
Windi  : Thanks Miss Dian. Before begin to talk further, should begin by discussing the SWOT analysis we have made. Our strength lies in the unique flavor like strawberry, blueberry, mint, almond, and lemon. Otherwise we have a unique packaging, among others, in the form of cartoon characters, animals, and accessories. Meanwhile our weaknesses is, we only have two choices of chocolate. The opportunities that we have is can add to sales by focusing on selling the children and adolescents. While the threat come from a chocolate manufacturer, that existed first like Cadbury, Silverqueen, Delfi, and Van Houten. The strategy we have made is, next year should make the kind of new chocolate, so consumers do not feel boring with products that we offer. In addition, also need to expand sales area, sales area when previously only around Jabodetabek, we must extend  to sell the entire island of Java. In addition, the promotion that we did was less intense, so that only limited people who know about our products. Thank you.
Dian     : Is there any question ? Yes, Miss Amel.
Amel   : I have an idea, we never put an advertising in magazine before, what if we put an ad in a teen magazine?
Fenty    : Yes, that’s good idea.
Singgih  : We should make a research about what magazine that become the most popular for teen.
Sekar   : What if apply the direct sales to consumers? For example by making a booth at the schools or mall.
Windy   : We had ever do that. That’s wasn’t a new idea. But, thanks for your idea.
Singgih  : My idea, what if we open a store in one mall with an open kitchen concept, so consumers can see the process of making chocolate and can be ordered in accordance with their order.
Amel     : I think that’s really good idea.
Sekar    : Yes, I agree with that concept. Really fresh and new.
Dian      : Another question or idea ?
Sekar    : Perhaps we should add a packaging variant, so that people feel more interested.
Septi     : Marketing department has made ​​the concept of packaging and new flavors, new packaging that will be launched is the packaging that resembles the shape of real fruit and it contains the same flavor of chocolate with the packaging.
Dian      : Any questions ? No ? Ok, Miss Fenty will present the conclusions of this meeting.
Fenty    : The conclusion is, to increase sales this year, we will make the concept of packaging and new flavors. In addition, we will enhance the promotion through various media. The idea to create a store with an open kitchen, will go through the process of a long drafting and require a detail cost.
Dian      : Ok, meeting is over, thank you for giving attention during this meeting .  Good afternoon all

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